- Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Serradilla, F., Perez, E., Hernandez, M. J., Ruiz, T. (2015). System for speed supervision using dynamic information provided by wireless communications. 22nd World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Burdeos (Francia), 5-9 Octubre 2015
- Jiménez, F., Amarillo, J. C., Serradilla, F., Naranjo, J. E., Gómez, O., Díaz, A. (2015) Use of neural networks for estimating EVs battery SOC considering driving style. 22nd World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Burdeos (Francia), 5-9 Octubre 2015
- Anaya, J. J., Talavera, E., Giménez, D., Gómez, N., Jiménez. F., Naranjo, J. E. (2015) Vulnerable Road Users Detection using V2X Communications. 18th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2015. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 15-18 Septiembre 2015
- Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E. (2014) Automatic evasive manoeuvers for obstacles avoidance. Tests in complex scenarios. 10th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Helsinki (Finlandia), 16-19 Junio 2014
- Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Gómez, O., Anaya, J. J. (2014) Device for steering system autonomous control to be implemented in any kind of road vehicle. FISITA 2014. Maastricht, 2-6 Junio 2014
- Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Gómez, O. (2014) Collision avoidance system using braking and steering autonomous manoeuvres. FISITA 2014. Maastricht, 2-6 Junio 2014
- Anaya, J. J., Talavera, E., Jiménez, F., Zato, J. G., Gómez, N., Naranjo, J. E. (2013) GeoNetworking based V2V Mesh Communications over WSN. 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2013. La Haya (Holanda), 6-9 Octubre 2013
- Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Zato, J. G. (2013). Characterization of Sustainable Driving Style Based on Fuzzy Logic. 9th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Dublín (Irlanda), 4-7 Junio 2013
- Jiménez, F. (2013) Segmentation of road geometry experimental data obtained with datalog vehicles. 9th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Dublín (Irlanda), 4-7 Junio 2013
- Jiménez, F., Huerta, J., Martín-Redondo, A. (2012) Opportunities and barriers for cooperative services deployment in Spain. 19th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Viena (Austria), 22-26 Octubre 2012
- Naranjo, J. E., Talavera, E., Anaya, J. J., Jiménez, F., Zato, J. G., Gómez, N. (2012) Highway Test of V2V Mesh Communications over WSN. 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2012. Anchorage (EEUU), 16-19 Septiembre 2012
- García, F., de la Escalera A., Armingol, J. M., Jiménez, F. (2012) Context Aided Fusion Procedure for Road Safety Application. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI). Hamburgo (Alemania), 13-15 Septiembre 2012
- Jiménez, F., García-Menacho, L., Naranjo, J. E. (2011). Improved method to calculate the time to collision of two vehicles. 18th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Orlando (EEUU), 16-20 Octubre 2011
- Jiménez, F., López-Covarrubias, J. L., Cabrera, W., Tapia, S., Aparicio, F. (2011) Speed recommendation for fuel savings using action rules provided by Dynamic Programming. 18th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Orlando (EEUU), 16-20 Octubre 2011
- Naranjo, J. E., Zato, J. G., Redondo, L., Oliva, M., Jiménez, F., Gómez, N. (2011). Evaluation of V2V and V2I Mesh Prototypes based on a Wireless Sensor Network. 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2011. Washington DC (EEUU), 5-7 Octubre 2011
- Jiménez, F., Sánchez, J. J., Gómez, O. (2011) Characterization of driving styles of professional drivers and the influence of distraction based on non-intrusive driving parameters. 13th EAEC European Automotive Congreso. Valencia, 14-17 Junio 2011
- Naranjo, J. E., Jiménez, F., García, F., Armingol, J. M., Zato, J. G., Quero, A. (2010). Specification and development of a HMI for ADAS, based in usability and accessibility principles. 17th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.. Busan (Corea), 25 – 29 octubre 2010
- García, F., Jiménez, F., Naranjo, J. E., Armingol, J. M., de la Escalera, A., Aparício, F. (2010) Traffic signs recognition for detailed digital maps development and driver assistance systems. 17th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.. Busan (Corea), 25 – 29 octubre 2010
- Naranjo, J. E., Jiménez, F., Serradilla, F. J., Zato, J. G. (2010). Comparison between Floating Car Data and Infrastructure Sensors for Traffic Speed Estimation. 13th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Madeira (Portugal), 19 – 22 septiembre 2010
- Jiménez, F., Martín, C., Gómez, O., Aparicio, F. (2010). System and algorithms for obstacle and its kinematic description in applications of collision avoidance. FISITA 2010. Budapest, 31 mayo-4 junio 2010